Your last chance ever to attend GAMES! will be this Saturday, from 3-9pm. In celebration of a fantastic run, there will be free food and multiple game giveaways. Come join us and let's tie off the history of GAMES! with a record attendance; if you've ever come to GAMES! before (and even if you haven't), we would like to see you there to help celebrate and join in the fun. We're looking forward to it already!
We finished out the events for '14 with a crowd of 14 people. There were some short games played near the beginning (Zendo, Incan Gold), then some other games (Dominion, Quilt Show, Ticket To Ride, Kinder Bunnies). As the evening faded, so did the crowd, and we shut things down early.
Andy won the door prize drawing and picked up a copy of Shadow Hunters. Next month will be the last chance to win free games, and we'll be giving away our complete inventory of prize games. You won't want to miss it.
As previously advertised, the first event of 2015 will be the last event ever. There will be free pizza (not necessarily all you can eat, but we'll be buying lots), we'll be giving away all of the games we have left, and we'll be saying farewell after 81 events spanning more than seven years. Be sure to at least pop in and let us say thanks for making GAMES! such an awesome success: Saturday, January 10th, 3-9pm
Let's just hope there's not a blizzard that day...
There will be only one more opportunity to experience GAMES! after this weekend, so be sure to join us this Saturday, December 13th, from 3-9pm. If you miss this one (and even if you don't), then January 10th will be your last chance. Hope to see you there!