Due in part to the wedding and the Kernels game, attendance was a near-record-low 13 people this month. Hopefully we'll do better next month (July's event will include our quarterly Car Wars autoduel, so that should draw at least a few—I know I wouldn't miss it). Even with a lighter crowd, we managed to play a variety of games including: Cargo Noir, Agricola, Car Wars: The Card Game, Pandemic, Lost Cities: The Board Game and Tsuro.
Rick would have won the door prize, except he was ineligible, so Tatum won it instead and selected Small World. We've got a copy of Bohnanza that's been waiting to get added to the vault for over a year, so we'll put that in for next time.
The next event will be here in just four weeks, on July 9th, and will include some Car Wars action. I'm thinking a team-based deathmatch at the moment, but I haven't had much free time to plan a good strategy for it yet. Anyway, whether you enjoy motoring mayhem or something entirely different, we'll have something there for you at the July GAMES! so bring an enemy and challenge them to a game of something you enjoy playing; even if you lose, you'll still have fun. See ya then!