...but not until after GAMES! this Saturday, from 3-9pm. So, if you accidentally set your clock ahead Friday night instead of Saturday night, you may end up getting drafted to help set up (having arrived at 2pm instead of 3pm). Either way, once it really is 3pm, the fun starts including: board games, card games, air hockey, foosball, ping pong and even pizza and homemade desserts.
We're adding another Days Of Wonder game to the Prize Vault to replace the one taken last month. It's a game that many have played and several have requested, but that we've never had in the Vault before: Ticket To Ride, the original base game, the one with the United States map. It's fun and it can be yours, free.
Looking ahead to April, I've already got the car sheets and map ready to go for our quarterly Car Wars match, and I'm getting rather excited. In fact, I'm already thinking forward to the July(?) and November(?) events because I'd like to add something new each time we play. In April, as mentioned previously, the new thing will be the race-style match mode, but future matches could add jumps and new modes (capture-the-flag?), plus a new flavor of opponent (dreadnaught?) and even an eye in the sky, someday.
Having said all that, if the only game you ever want to play is Car Wars, skip this month and join us on April 9th. However, if you think there's even a possibility that anything else might be fun, then you should drop by this Saturday, March 12th, from 3-9pm and try one of the many other game options that exist. Hope to see you there!