Summer is pretty much over and fall is just around the corner, which means that it's time for our next game day. Our next event is this Saturday, September 13 from 3-9 PM.
We have added The Princes of Florence to the Prize Vault since the last event. You can see the rest of the contents of the Prize Vault in the column on the right. We give away one door prize at each event.
The Kitchen offerings for September include walking tacos, nachos, and brownies. The menu will be posted on the right soon.
We also have a couple of news items this month. The first is that we will hopefully be starting up some tournaments during GAMES! over the next few months. We might even start this Saturday with a darts and/or a ping pong tournament. The second news item is that we are going to try having GAMES! more often again. Right now we have events scheduled for September, October, and November. (We haven't decided about December yet.) As always, the best way to stay informed about our events is to sign up for our e-mail list. The box to subscribe is in the lower right corner in the Information section. If you subscribe, you will simply receive a copy of new blog posts.
This summer has been a crazy one for me with not much time for gaming, so I'm really looking forward to this Saturday. Hope you are too!