We had about 35 people in attendance again this month, including several new people. If this was your first time, we hope to see you again next month. And thanks to everyone who is helping to make GAMES! a success!
Stephanie C won the drawing this month, she picked Jambo for her prize. Jambo is a fun, easy-to-learn game for two players.
Just so you know, updates about the next event (menu, Prize Vault additions, etc.) are usually posted about a week ahead of time.
Next event: Saturday, February 9 from 3-9 PM.
Photos from the January event are now posted: link
good times ! cant wait until the next one.
Nice photos (as per usual), Bob. (Somehow we are a week from the next GAMES! and I am just now seeing the photos from the previous.) I appreciate how you are good about shooting almost everyone presentand so little blood!