Despite the sunny day outside, we had 26 people playing games with us inside, including such things as: Shadows Over Camelot, Bubble Talk, Settlers Of Catan, Mille Bornes, Cargo Noir, Fluxx, and Dogfight.
Megan won the door prize drawing and selected Alien Frontiers for her free game. We've exhausted our backlog of previously purchased/donated strategy games, so we'll look through the suggestions (from the entry slips) and pick something up before the next event that you really want.
Next month's event is NOT on the second Saturday of the month, primarily because we'll be in DSM at a wedding on the 14th. Instead, make plans to join us for GAMES! on Saturday, July 7th (the first Saturday of the month), if for no other reason than to try out Car Wars. Tell everyone you know about GAMES! and make sure to adjust your calendar by a week so you don't miss it. It'll be a great time, even if it feels like the wrong time (but it's still four weeks away, so it won't be that awkward).