Once again, our monthly GAMES! event was a blast and with the colder weather was quite well attended. We had 33 people in attendance, including nine people who had never been at GAMES! before. I'm still amazed that we've had almost 250 different people attend our events since we started GAMES! four years ago. There was quite a few different games played this month, including Warlords of Europe, Primordial Soup, Ticket To Ride Asia, Trivial Pursuit, Age Of Discovery, 7 Wonders, Blokus, Cargo Noir, Shadows Over Camelot and Skip-Bo. We also consumed nine whole pizzas, for whatever that's worth. It was a great event!
Alex won our door prize and grabbed a copy of Settlers Of Catan. It made Christmas shopping easy for her, since she gave it away almost immediately after picking it out. It really is better to give than to receive. There's a copy of the brand new Small World Underground going into the Prize Vault next month to fill the empty slot. Next month's winner could be you!
Speaking of next month, our January event will include Car Wars as an option, most likely team deathmatch style again. I haven't given any thought to car prices or arena layout yet, but I'd be very happy to send you info if you're interested in planning ahead and designing your own car or assembling a specific team, even. I'm considering whether to simplify the rules to use more of a 5th Edition mechanic (now that I have a copy of the 5E rules), but I'm not familiar enough with the differences to make an informed decision yet. Stay tuned for updates and be sure to put Saturday, January 14th from 3-9pm on your calendar now so you don't miss the fun at the next GAMES! event. See you there!